Kishtwar: Kishtwar police solved a blind theft case of Tanveer Electronics in less than 24 hours and recovered the goods worth more than Rs. 93000/- stolen from this electronic shops situated only few meters away from Police Station Kishtwar. It was during the intervening night of 3/4-07-2010, some unknown burglars carried out a burglary in a shop namely Tanveer Electronics situated Near Hospital Road Kishtwar only few yards away from Police Station Kishtwar and decamped with Mobiles, Cameras, Prepaid mobile vouchers, TFT Screen, Memory Cards, Digital Cameras and various other electronic items. Immediately Kishtwar Police registered a Case FIR No. 117/2010 U/S 457/380 RPC on the written report of owner of the shop and took up the investigation of the case.
While giving details, SP Kishtwar, Dr. M. Haseeb Mughal said that burglars had sneaked into the shop of Tanveer Electronics on the fateful night of 3-4 July 2010 after breaking open the wall of the shop. Scene of crime revealed that burglars had taken the benefit of concealed portion of stairs lying with the said shop. On specific information generated by Police with the help of Local Public, a trap was arranged and laid down wherein suspects were identified while selling Mobile Sets already stolen by them from the above shop and subsequently arrested burglar namely Mudassir Hussian Dev S/O Abdul Latief Dev R/O Zewar Kishtwar and on his discloser his another associate Saleem Javed Kripak S/O Javed Iqbal Kripak R/O Kripakh Gwari Kishtwar has also been arrested in a raid conducted at his residence at Kripak Gwari and put both the accused to sustained interrogation in order to extract the modus oprandie adopted by the above named burglars.
During interrogation the above burglars made substantial disclosures and on their instance stolen property worth Rs. 93805/- including Mobiles, Cameras, TFT Screen, Grocery items and some cash have been recovered from their residences located at Kripak Gwari Kishtwar hide in lockers, almera and inside food stuff.
Local Public especially shop keepers have hailed the quick action of Local Police and they have also taken a sigh of relief after hearing the news about the apprehension of above notorious criminals.
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