The government has generated a new hope for the residents of mountainous Kishtwar district for the decade old Nahre-e-Naigad project for which it has engaged consultant for investigation, design and preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR), which may pave a way for resumption of the construction work for the prestigious canal.
Reply to a question of MLA Kishtwar Sajad Ahmed Kichloo, in the state legislative assembly, Minister for PHE and Irigation Taj Mohi-ud-Din disclosed that the government was contemplating to restart the construction work on the prestigious project. "A consultant has been engaged for investigation, design and preparation of a Detailed Project Report (DPR) for Naigad Canal and the work was in progress", the minister informed. It is pertinent to mention here that the work on the canal was started in the early fifties. However, the project was abandoned due to the geographical and technical difficulties coupled with the financial constrains due only 9.5 kilometer canal was constructed. At that point of time the material for the construction of work was reportedly been carried for 50 kilometers on mules.
Following a fresh agitation for the construction of the project, the government prepared another proposal under which the water was to be brought to reservoir in Kishtwar by laying pipes from Naigad area. However, this project again failed to take up.
Official sources told The Bold Boice that the project if constructed would not only help in mitigating the water scaricity problem of the area but around 2000 acres of land can also be irrigated.
As per the prescribed norms PHE department is bound to supply 40 liters of water per consumer a day but only 13 liters was being supplied to the consumers in Kishtwar.
As per the official figures there are around 20 irrigation schemes/Khuls/canals under construction under District Plan and 17 irrigation scheme under CCS-AIBP, 4 schemes under BRGF, 23 schemes under RSVY and 1 scheme under Flood Control Sector during the current financial year.
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